Site Goes Live!
The site is 99% finished and its usable... I have all of AS titles inputted and will work on populating SonMay CD and AC titles added tonight

I know I will get alot of comments about the colors (black on blue) but thats already in the works to be changed (hence the site 99% done and that falls into the 1%)

Please note that U have to be registered to be able to post reviews (and post screenshots which will be implemented in a few days) but u can read (and see screenshots) without having to be registered...

I will encourage the use of the site by having DVD give aways and contests (next week, when the site will be polished, I will do a daily DVD give away (at random) to the registered users, and on the last day will do a grand price give away (like a 4 DVD set of something instead of regular singles during the days of the give away)

I will also encourage the users to post reviews ect by having a neat user system with not only keep track of number of posts but also leveling system (people will get level ups, but I wont disclose how the expreincing system will work heh) what I will do with this is people who will reach a certain level will get free dvd of their choice ect...

also, I will be selling the DVDs on the site aswell, I will parter up with Cashan selling AC AV titles on that site will I will do AS and SonMay CDs... since theres so many titles I will have "request" system implemented in a few days... means that when item is out of stock, instead of ADD to cart button u will have a request this title, when u click on it, when u are registered and logged on, it will let me know that u are thinkin of getting that title, that means i will order it from AS or SonMay on my next order, Keep in mind you are not obligated to buy it if u request it and I will not charge u for requesting it ect... this is good for me to know what people want before i order since SM has thousands of CDs ;P
the time on restockin on AS titles requested will be 5 to 10 days, while SM is usually 10-20 (since they only take cash in mail, it takes alittle while)

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